Nico and I decided it was time to try our first NATRC Competitive Trail Ride at Island in the Sky on the Grand Mesa. My friends Jane and Jill and I arrived Friday afternoon after a 6-hour drive from Boulder. We parked in a grand meadow, though a bit muddy it was a great place to spend a couple of days. Wildflowers were in full bloom and the sun was shining. We got the horses settled and checked in with the Vet Judge and Horsemanship Judge. Number 98 was lucky for me that weekend.
Saturday morning started out with an obstacle, back your horse through the two aspen trees. Sounds easy but with all the excitement going on, and 63 horses starting, it proved to be a bit of a challenge especially for those wider end horses. Nico and I got through that first obstacle and started down the muddy trail for a 20+ mileage day. Some horses went out hot, some bucking, balking and some just normal. When that many horse are about they act a tad different then when at home. Over hill, dale, logs and along trails that became rivers of water we passed through beautiful wildflower meadows and water crossings were abundant. Our Pulse and Respiration stops were good and we finished the first day on time and settled in for dinner, the next days briefing and a rainy night (bring those rain sheets).
Three or so riders pulled the next morning. It started out cloudy as we rode out in rain gear, but the sun finally came out about two hours later. Ride managers chose, for safety reasons (mud) to change the trail and shortened the mileage that day. and began the ride with an off-side mount. Grrrr, we were at least able to use any natural aids, like ditches and rocks. It was another day of wildflowers, river trails and just spectacular scenery. A tractor was ordered up to assist in getting some of the larger rigs out of the meadow at rides end.
Jane, riding Open, Jill riding Competitive Pleasure, and I riding Novice finished up and left before awards so we could get back home Sunday night. I was tired but excited that we had completed the ride. It turns out we placed 4th!
During the first night briefing the vet judge spoke about sore backs, apparently there was quite a few in the first days check out after the ride (Abanico and I were fine). Check your saddle fit, it is a good idea to arrange to have a saddle fitter come out to your barn to check this for you . Also try to get up off your horses back when you ascend and descend hills.
If you are looking for a little competition and a way to see new trails try Competitive Trail. Visit and choose the region near you.
Suggestions: Always carry an easy boot in case you lose a shoe, where your helmet, keep a blanket and rain sheet in your trailer, stay hydrated.