Tuesday, January 08, 2013

South Boulder Trail Ride

A hiker was nice enough to take our photo.
We had a lovely trail ride on Sunday on the South Boulder trail system to the west of Highway 93 on Sunday.

Now that the road from Boulder Valley Ranch was clear of ice and snow, and recently graded,  I thought it would be nice to get out of dodge, so to speak. Nico and I hauled out to meet the gals in South Boulder. We saddled up and headed down Marshall Road to the crossing on Broadway (Highway 93) to access the wooded trails off the Mesa Trail.

This system is fairly rocky so if you are not shod hoof protection, such as Easy boots are recommended. The trails were snow packed so the pace was no more then a walk. We meandered through the pine forests enjoying each others company and the horses had a few gradual climbs to work their hind ends.

As we crossed the last meadow towards home we came upon a lovely herd of very healthy does, they seemed to enjoy our company as they traveled along with us.

Thanks Nico, Mary and Spear, Peg and Cinch, and Freddie Nemo.