For a nice ride, sometimes urban, other times wooded trails along a meandering creek is Bear Creek Park near Morrison, CO. A few of us headed over there last Sunday to get 'outta' Boulder. A small $5 fee gets you into the Park. There are several locations to park your rig and plenty of space to turn around. We went over to the arena near the stables (closed for the season) and accessed the trail system from there. The arena is also a nice place to warm up or do some work. Cleaning up your manure is also made easy there is an area contained by railroad ties just next to the port-o-pottie.
We saddled up and headed out, the footing was perfect fro trotting and cantering. Keep in mind there is one big hill that you might want to avoid in the winter, it's north facing slope can be iced over. Early in the season we found some icy spots but crossed safely. Looping back to the trailers we passed by a golf course, several creeks, ducks, runners, hikers and cyclists. There is also and area of large logs to work your horse on. Back at the trailers we got the horses settled and heated up some hot cocoa. Shared a few more stories and loaded up back to Boulder.
Check it out, its a nice spring, fall and winter ride in the front range.
I have been there later in the winter and the creeks can crisp over with a so light of an ice sheet.
Some horse find the sound a bit unsettling when crossing.