It has been a pretty dry March so far here in Boulder, and plans were set earlier in the week to trailer
over to the Heil Ranch Open Space, just a few miles from Boulder Vally Ranch. To all our surprise we woke up to a wet and misty day—rare here in this part of Colorado.
After some confusion about our time to leave the ranch, a low tire (thank goodness Bob was around to get the air compressor up and running) and a balky-loading horse we finally got under way.
The four of us ventured out and were transported into a misty world. The smell of creasote from a earlier controlled burn scented the airas we ascended up the fire road and into the mist. I had the song Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin in my head the entire ride. We stopped to let a flock of wild turkeys cross the road, and were watched carefully by herds of does in no rush to get anywhere.
Up, up and up we rode, walking and trotting—the footing was perfect (but hoof protection is recommended). This trail system is a great way to start conditioning your horse, as it steadily climbs and descends on the return. It also is designed with trails for bikers and hikers so you have dispersed use. On a clear day the canyon views are quite astonishing, but for today we had the turkeys, does and mist-filled forests all to ourselves.
Returning back to the barn we all felt refreshed and at peace—less one hub cap off my trailer. Maybe I will come across it on Highway 36 one day.
- LindaP